
Dada Answers

Asatoma satgamaya
Tamasoma jyotirgamaya
Mrityorma amritamgamaya

Out of unreality, lead me to reality
Out of darkness, lead me to light
Out of death, lead me to Eternity

Such was the invocation of the ancient rishis of India. It was indeed a great ideal that they placed before humankind. But for us, ordinary mortals, the question arises: who is it that will lead us from unreality to reality, from darkness to light, out of ignorance to true knowledge?

The answer is — the Guru, of course!

Questions, questions, questions. They seem to haunt us from the moment we are born till the moment comes when the soul is liberated from the body — and death itself is not the end, for death is indeed the eternal question. Where do we go from here? What becomes of us next? We continue to be overwhelmed by unanswered, unanswerable questions — what, why, where, and how.

Indian scholastic tradition has always encouraged the questioning spirit. The disciples of ashramas of ancient India were never expected to take anything they were taught at face value. They were trained to think for themselves, seek clarification, and raise quesries before the Guru until they were fully satisfied, and no doubts lingered in their minds.

Dada J.P. Vaswani too, has advocated this questioning spirit among the thousands who have had the privilege of calling themselves his dear disciples and devotees. Dada has always been the pragmatic philosopher who shows rather than tells; one who clarifies, not one who mystifies; one who is ever willing to takes us by the hand and lead us on to the Truth we are all seeking. In this, as in his all-giving love, universal compassion and profound wisdom, he belongs to the great tradition of India's seers, sages, seekers and saints. Wherever he travels in the East and West, he readily turns many of his Public meetings into Question-and-Answer sessions, so that he may lighten the burden that people carry; so that he may dispel the darkness that surrounds them and set their wandering hearts at rest.

Dada's attitude to his interlocutors is refreshingly different — it is not that of the preacher who dogmatizes, nor that of the stern prophet who pontificates. Rather, he is the ideal teacher who elucidates, explains, enlightens and above all, inspires. No question is too abstract, no problem is too difficult for him to dismiss. His understanding of human nature is deep; his readings of the world's great books and scriptures is wide; and his knowldege of the testament of life is profound. No wonder then, that questions placed before him always elicit illuminating deeply satisfying responses.

Dada never evades issues; he does not resort to dogma; he never pronounces judgements. A great seeker of the Truth himself, he pays us the ultimate compliment of treating us as his fellow-pilgrims, fello-seekers on the path. This attitude makes his responses cordial, positive, and brilliantly clear. He does not pronounce precepts from a pedestal; rather, he guides us expertly, carefully, gently to that Truth which actually resides within us — the Truth which we are somehow never able to reach on our own.

This is what makes Dada such a wonderful Guru. He allows us the freedom of spirit to assess, evaluate, question and accept on our own terms. All the time, his guiding, guarding and healing hand leads us unerringly to the Truth we seek.

The questions featured in this book have been addressed to Dada at Public functions, meet-the-press sessions, intimate gathering and youth get-togethers. Young and old, sceptics and believers and non-believers have felt free to ask Dada about anything under the sun — marital incompatibilty and spiritual quest; on the future of humanity and the nature of friendship; on love and hatred; on war and peace; on animal rights and astology — no subject is taboo; no question is dismissed without a carefully considered answer.

Wisdom shared is wisdom multiplied. The compilers of this book take great pleasure in offering this memorable collections to the reading public, for it enables them to share the blessings of Dada's guidance with genuine seekers all over the world. Readers will find that the questions featured here are the very ones which have risen in their minds and hearts at one time or another. It is hoped that they will find enlightenment, inspiration, and guidance from this book, as thousands of devotees have found in Question-Answer sessions with Dada held all over the world.

Prabha Sampath
Krishna Kumari