
Discover Yourself

This beautifully produced book, in a question-answer format, gives you insightful answers to several questions pertaining to meditation, life after death, relationship between the Guru and the disciples, the art of radiant living, spirtual unfolding and enlightenment.

Answers to questions have been cleared by Sadhu T.L. Vaswani,— whose elegant yet straight-forward style, clarity of expression and ability to put forth, most simply, complex ideas in a modern, fluent way, — are well known.

Sadhu Vaswani was a sage, a seer, a mystic who communed with the deep mysteries of life, yet a saint who embraced one and all through the power of his love.

He was a versatile genius, the radiance of whose soul was so conspicious that on would simply bathe in it the moment one came into his presence.

This book is intended to be savoured slowly, and in silence to be allowed to disslove into the heart.